Thursday, June 24, 2004

Earlier this month, the Hampton City Council unanimously approved a Resolution supporting the PATH organization and the building of greenway trails in Hampton. Coinciding with this fantastic step forward, the City recently received a $500,000 Transportation Enhancement Grant from GDOT. The purpose of the grant is “to build or improve trails, sidewalks, greenways, streetscapes and historic transportation-related facilities.”

The next step is the creation of a Master Trail Plan for the City of Hampton by PATH Foundation. This Master Plan, combined with the current GDOT Grant and support from the City Council and Hampton Citizens provides powerful momentum for making this vision a reality. It also makes us eligible for GDOT Recreational Trail Grants, starting this Fall. These can be substantial and could serve to further jump-start our Initiative. Our immediate goal is to designate and build a “show mile” of trail that connects as many communities with as many public facilities, schools, shopping and other destinations as possible. Achieving this will help everyone to see the tremendous value this Network will bring to our community.

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