Monday, July 31, 2006

Downtown Jonesboro Rail Estate

Seeking a builder with experience building historically-styled homes, willing and able to take down 55 lots.

Several acres have been successfully zoned for a 55 lot neo-traditional subdivision which will feature homes reflecting the historic vernacular of downtown Jonesboro including rear-loading, alley-fed garages. The city has awarded the effort with an H2, live/work zoning. The homes, when constructed, will be within walking distance of the proposed Commuter Rail Station. Jonesboro is an LCI grant recipient and has begun downtown revitalization. This project will flow seamlessly with those efforts.

The project has been named "The Grove" in homage to the old pecan grove which will serve as the primary entrance/exit to the subdivision. Great care is being taken to construct the roads in the rows between trees creating a dramatic entrance statement.

A tree survey was done, identifying the older trees on the property. These trees will be preserved in a park encompassing approximately 20% of the property.

In short, the project has the potential for a trend-setting,"forward to the past" direction for the city.

Interested parties please email Burke Sisco of MainStreet Realty at

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